Accidentally Picked Bangalore & dropped 6 Kills with Wingman & R301 - Apex Legends Battle Royale TheKingArthur 2:20 2 years ago 56 Далее Скачать
Apex Legends 3k damage 12 kills Champion Game Bangalore r-301 + wingman Mc_Fury1209 Gaming 3:02 3 years ago 268 Далее Скачать
301 BEAMS 27 KILLS 3.5k DAMAGE Apex Ledgends ( Bangalore ) ( R301 ) LucidxMotion 11:17 4 years ago 25 Далее Скачать
DROPPING 17 KILLS AND 4,000 DAMAGE WITH THE R-301 - BANGALORE GAMEPLAY - APEX LEGENDS Calm Bontiac 13:32 2 years ago 325 Далее Скачать
Apex Legends - You are the new Kill Leader (R-301 / Peacekeeper) Sweed Hero 0:19 5 years ago 58 Далее Скачать
RANDOM TEAM..!!! Shotgun And R-301 KILL LEADER !!! Apex Legend Mobile MasLenk Gaming 19:17 2 years ago 48 Далее Скачать
Apex legends insane clutch Bangalore champion Eva 8 R301 Boomsticks 18:24 3 years ago No Далее Скачать
Diegosaurs " Skulltown Kill Leader! " "R301- G7-SCOUT Combo" Best Apex Highlights 12:41 5 years ago 731 Далее Скачать
APEX LEGEND SEASON 4 | 17 KILLS USING SPLITFIRE & R-301 | BANGALORE GAMEPLAY Arnab Mandal 4:09 4 years ago 159 Далее Скачать
4th win in Apex Legends + I got kill leader! Golden R-301 rampage! KorokuGaming 21:10 5 years ago 162 Далее Скачать
The R301 is one of the most versatile guns in Apex Legends (Kill leader) MazGhoul _ 7:02 3 years ago 28 Далее Скачать
R301 Carbine - Warith - Octane & Bangalore - Apex Legends Mobile RAGE 0:23 2 years ago 580 Далее Скачать
ShivFPS - RANDOM SQUADS - 17 KILLS 4K DMG - World's RANK #1 BANGALORE - R-301 & KRABER Best Apex Highlights 15:19 4 years ago 3 368 Далее Скачать
R301 Carbine - Bangalore TPP - 3 Kills - Apex Legends Mobile RAGE 0:16 2 years ago 1 863 Далее Скачать